Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sharing time

Today, Laura, our activity lady had a "Sharing Time" with us.
It was advertised on a poster in a way that looked like modern music so I was surprised to find it was exactly a - "Sharing Time". About ten people were there in the downstairs lounge where they've put comfy chairs and some goodies and coffee.

It's something that Chartwell (owners of this and the other assisted living building) have come up with to have a get-together with residents who wish to talk with others - or not -  and to have a semi-structured half-hour with a bit of recorded music and a theme for encouraging talk with the use of a talking stick.

Today's theme was "acceptance" and the first question was answered by ladies talking about it being hard but they have now accepted living in this way at Carrington.
I was a bit nervous we might have the lady I met one time who said her children had come to her house while she was in hospital, taken and sold all the furniture and sold the house, then registered her in Carrington and she hasn't seen any of the money and what right had they to do that without her permission.
Then I found out she had fallen and was taken to the hospital, remaining in a coma for three months and what on earth should the children have done?  But she was bitter.
Well she wasn't at the session.
I think it worked well - I'll try to go to the next one.

It's strange to miss going to see Willy. The disabled clothing lady went and they just took the clothes from her for Willy because they're still in isolation there.

I received some lovely spring flowers from my eldest daughter Barbara and her husband with a note that said she was sorry Willy was struggling. How sweet they smell and how nice to have them here.
I hear that they are to go to live in Steinbach Manitoba where George will act as United church minister. They have bought a house there and Barbara has a dining table with eighteen chairs to match as she loves to have people gathered together.

I was up at 5 a.m. this morning and had to have some juice because my blood sugar was too low. Couldn't get back to sleep so am tired now.

My grand-daughter Camellia phoned - it was good to hear from her.

Good-night and enjoy life - signed feeling better Doris

1 comment:

  1. Sharing time turned out to be wonderful. I admit I was reluctant to go ahead with the "corporate program roll out" but didn't have a choice, so I tried to modify it as best I could so it would feel a little less "commercialized zen" and a little more of an earnest outpouring of story and support.
    I was so encouraged by the women I work with every day, soaking up all the wisdom they have that we can learn from. They only needed a tiny audience.
    thanks Doris from Laura, "our activity lady "
