Friday, April 4, 2014


It doesn't really matter what happened today except when it reached 2 p.m. and my friend Wendy came and we talked about many things - me feeling dragged down with this waiting for a phone call to say Willy was dead.
I haven't got over all the bad news of my health condition and on top of that I woke last night at 4 a.m. with a low in blood sugar with a reading of 4 which is bad for me. After slurping mango juice and eating some pineapple chunks I had a time getting back to sleep I lay on the chesterfield until 6 a.m. reading and feeling unsettled.
So it was helpful to talk to a friend about everything and while we were chatting - the phone rings and I see it's from Pleasanview and my breathing stops and Wendy waits, dreading the news.
It's the nurse and she says "Are you coming to see Willy today Doris?" And remembering that I told them I don't want to see him in the last minutes of his life, said "Er- Er" but she interrupted by continuing her message. "We've got him up in his wheelchair and he's looking good."

Can you believe this? I couldn't.

After putting down the phone I look across at Wendy and she looks at me - she says "I just don't know what to say" and we both burst into laughter.
How can I have spent so much energy in believing he was going to die?
How could a man who looked absolutely wasted, suddenly sit up in a wheelchair?
But it wasn't only me, it was everybody in Pleasantview who thought his end was near.
And I'm going to have to go through it all over again.

I went to see him of course with a lighter step from relief and true enough he was in his wheelchair wanting to say something to me (which sounded awfully like the F word) but I gave up trying to understand.
He made these funny little smiles and actually sort of clapped his hands in a weak way.
His eyes for the first time for a long while were open but glazed and blank.
Hands were cool but not cold.
It was a true resurrection.

And that's the sermon for today - signed given a reprieve  Doris

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