Thursday, April 17, 2014


We had a lovely Easter brunch at lunch time. It all looked festive with runners on the table-cloths, roses in pots on the tables and balloons strung up. Very nice.
My friend Michael from the Island phoned and we feel very alike about life and art so it was good to talk to him.

Phone call came from the funeral home all right to let me know Death certificates and the ashes were ready for pick up.
Thank goodness Brenda was feeling well enough to drive and take me there.
As we stepped out of the car I started to be nervous. I'd brought a Safeway plastic bag to carry the cardboard box in and wondered just how large the ashes would come to. After all I'd never seen them packaged before. Brenda, who always has emergency items, be it elastic bands, band-aids, scissors, aspirins, combs and so on in her purse, had handy a large secure bag with handles and brought it into the office.
When the staff lady showed us the cardboard box, Brenda's bag was needed.
I lifted it and was floored at how heavy it was. The lady said "He must have had high bone mass density!"
Even though Brenda shouldn't carry the box - she did and said when I feel things are heavy because of my age, other people don't.

I'd received a bill for an ambulance ride Willy had in March so went to the bank to pay it and we came back to this apartment and put Willy in the closet and then I had to sit down.

I felt a sort of comfort to know he's around (even if he isn't really) but any comfort is welcome thank you very much!

signed getting a more settled feeling - Doris

1 comment:

  1. Willy will be forever with you Doris. You both are in my every daily prayers, I sure wish we were closer just to give you a hug. Please know that we think of you both often. Willy was a kind soul, and we will remember him always!
