Saturday, June 28, 2014

Doris Paterson 1924 to 2014

Doris Paterson
There will be a Celebration of Doris's life at her last art show on June 28th at 1pm at the Mission Art Gallery/Rock Family Gallery at 33529 1st Ave., Mission.

Please note that in lieu of flowers the family wishes for donations to the Christine Morrison Hospice (c/o Mission Hospice Society unit E, 7311 James St., Mis...sion, BC, V2V 3V5 be made in Mum's memory.

Friends who wish to leave addition messages or recollections of Doris' life can contribute comments to her obituary found at:

Thank you for your condolences & kind friendship to our Mum.

Doris was a great spirit and will live on through all of us and definitely her artwork and writing.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mom's wishes

My Mom requested I inform everyone that she has weaken. Last night was difficult and Mom required medication to settle. Her two daughters, Barb and Bren stayed with her today.  Cammy, Cara and I are currently at her side giving comfort and reassurance.
Thank you everyone for being supportive and giving my Mom hope.
She does not have the strength to continue the blog and wishes you all the best.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Destiny Island

Karen came up with the name for my island and I think it fits the idea well Destiny Island. She came to pay for the books and pick them up. I tried to tell her I don't want the money but she got me when she said "It's not for you but it's the first installment for the fund-raising for your mosaic on the steps. Imagine of her coming up with that idea!!

Rhett came loaded with flowers and his little boy - he's going to try to beat the big guy in Federal Politics. He has young ideas and actually carries them out. It would be wonderful if he had enough to help him do it.
The flowers are a brave statement and beautiful.
Last night Barbara F. came with update news. I haven't had the T.V. on or the radio or DVD. My blog is my technology only. So I need to know of any drastic change.
I have to lay down awhile, I've been sitting up too long....
I can resume. I had terrific knife-like pain in my stomach. I know it's the Imodium because I've taken it before.

Brenda came to give me a concoction made of a bracelet with clips on either side to hold my bed-jacket from slipping off my shoulders. It's a great invention and pretty too.
She gave me a wash while I was in bed and brought three types of spray scents to help mask my toilet out-put.
She is to take Rex to Vancouver to see the doctor. I wonder how these young people can drive hither and yon without fretting about it.
A new lady has moved in opposite me and seems very ill.
Tomorrow I must attempt to put my teeth in so I don't shock Barbara. Looking forward to them coming. signed Doris on Destiny Island.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

My island

Karen's coming with a name for my island -good.
I thought of the book and movie "South Pacific" and the fellows wanted to cross to the island "Bali Hi" and thought that was a good name but then got thinking they always took off in boats at night to go there and what if Bali Hi means Prostitutes so I backed off. She came to collect the ten books but left a note saying I was busy.

Very eventful day as Brenda came to meet with Social worker and it's all legal and it is written and agreed that no one will change my wishes when I die.

Malonie came with her stories and kept us entertained.
I started to have diahorrea  and it was constant till I was worn out. My Mary nurse tracked down the doctor for Imodium and finally they expressed some from Abbotsford !!!!! (It makes sense if you know the whole story). It cleared up.

Barbara(eldest daughter) phoned to say they will come on Saturday evening from Manitoba.  We've marked it on the calendar and I'm so glad I am still available.

Nancy from art center came and I am caught up with some of the good things happening to make her job easier and some money to get things done.
I never told that dear little Shirley D. came again with her sense of calm.

Barbara F. appeared and is leading a gay life - no-no not that kind! so was glad to know all is well.
Joy came with an old-fashioned dough-nut to dunk in hot tea and contrary to my belief it actually worked and gave me a change from cream soup and milk pudding. She came to collect one of my books for her student who asked for an autographed copy.
I don't eat as much as I did now.

My grand-daughter's husband has been diagnosed with cancer at 36 years old - I'm sad for the family.

Brenda cut up the books Bonnie gave me so I don't have to lift heavy books and wasn't it wonderful she brought me some biographies? What a wonder these women are! Love them
signed  happy tonight -Doris

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Starting early.

Early this morning I noticed a paper butterfly on my neighbour (across the hall) doorway and I guessed right - her time had come. The family was around for her so that's good.
They told me she wouldn't press her red button. They put it right in her hand but she "didn't want to bother people" - sound familiar?
Staff asked if I wanted the door closed because funeral home was coming and I said yes please.

Who breezes in but Malonie. She was a member of "Fine Arts Five"- a group I got together so we could have shows for our paintings. We rented the old Leisure centre hall, renting lighting, boards for hanging work and invited 2 other artists, had a speaker to open and everything to make a New York type show. 700 people turned up for the occasion.
Of course, as usual the rent and insurance for the hall was upped more than we could afford for the following year - sometimes it seems Mission doesn't like success and priced us out of business,
Then one member was sick, one died and one moved so it folded.

We had so much to get caught up with. She said as she was leaving, "I'm so glad to see when you come close to dying you are still all of the same person you were! It's comforting to know that."

Staff want to shower me so I agreed to go through it today and decide whether it takes too much of my energy or not. They will come when I finish my tea.
Brenda came with photos of family so it looks like home.
I wish I had a perfect soft pillow.
Wendy's newsletter is so cute yet informative for Auxilliary.

I've reached the limit - hello new subscribers!   signed  at last they will have Doris in the shower
1 for them and none for me!!! Doris

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Val Billingsberger came - she's the big cheese in the Mission Archives.
Didn't even know we had an Archives? Well it's because of Val that we've got a climate controlled housing for Mission's history which is no small accomplishment. (If I've got that wrong you can correct me and I will make it right.)
Val is also responsible to honour three or four women a year in what is known as Pathfinders and no other town in Canada can boast of that. When asked why she doesn't honour the men she says "They are looked after very well."
She brought some lovely pale blue and white flowers.

One reason she came is that I don't know what or how many of my things she's interested in housing in the Archives and was thrilled to hear her say "I'm going to find out how we can get your blog copied and kept for your history."

Joy is here with me tapping on her lap-top while I'm blogging. Modern-day visiting but comforting for me.

Brenda and Rex came last night and brought little dog "Muffin" she's called that because when she was picked up she was curled in a brown circle, looking like a muffin. She looked at me as if she cared about my situation.

Paul, you'll have to find a name for my bed which I call an island - please.
Staff are anxious for me to have legal "representation as to my wishes for death.
I've told my children and staff my wishes.
They say there may be trouble at the end (as if there isn't enough trouble day by day!) A social worker will come Thursday and maybe Brenda can come 10 -11 am ?

Apparently there's a Hospice office across the road who has grief counselling etc. and Natalie came today. Nobody I know is aware of an extra building for a Hospice  office and there are various comic
 ideas of what is where and what it does.
Wendy - cheery Wendy came to make us laugh and a friend from the arts centre came saying she was not aware that I was ill - which is sad.

Pat phoned and sounded as if he's starting to get going on moving out to Van.Island. He's repairing one crack in the house as another crack appears in another wall because of Winnipeg's gummy-swampy soil.
Brenda's coming - Dario is calling Joy for the car so I'll close
signed busy Doris

Monday, June 2, 2014

Up and at them

Yes - this is a better time of day to type.
I've just been washed in every cranny and pants changed even though they didn't need changing and tch! tch when I didn't want a shower but a bed bath.
I was in a sound sleep when it was decided to clean me up so I wasn't a submissive lady!!

I'll have to invent another sort of prayer like the Hail Mary to stop me from being unappreciative and nasty.
It's the independence thing again. All this given me but I bristle when I can't decide for myself.

Yesterday was so wonderful with Mady arriving with a reproduction of "The Summer Solstice" painting, framing it and putting it up in the room so I don't have to try to explain "what I do."
She also brought a photograph at the business and professional group's dinner. Now I can tell this staff - "This is me with teeth!" 

Thank you so much for coming Jan-Ruth-Val and Kathy. Flowers from the garden are enjoyed by their smell by all.

Dario and Joy came. Joy fixed all the flowers with watering etc. and brought Greek yogurt.
Another replacement doctor came so I was able to ask about being off insulin and he said that was fine so it settled me down.
Dario can't help getting more beautiful coral and fish for his aquarium and shows me the exquisite world he has created by adding photographs to record them. Little Cara chose one which was pink and orange so he named it Cara.
M. the bed tray works well to hold the note book and it has a lip around so any spills won't go on the floor.
Ted came to say goodbye for now .He brought me the ten Willy books and a volunteer brought them one at a time to sign for Karen.

They give me the prettiest nighties here - Today I'm in pink with an English style pattern on the material.
I'm asked "Where is your cream?" or "Where did you put your hair brush?" But being on my island I don't know where anything is that is not in sight. I still don't know what to call the island.

Barbara M. came for a great visit and we talked about the show in June and she reminded me that it's not long now because IT IS TO BE HUNG ON THE 21st June. We don't talk about that because there are too many dates to put on the invitations - the first day of hanging - the official opening day and the day it's taken down. The important day is 28th. and is the opening when all can gather to celebrate as a family does.
The good-looking replacement doctor caught Barbara's eye and she has plans to come often on the chance he'll be around! We laughed a lot about it.
signed Doris be good.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


I see I've repeated the same writing I had hand written - so sorry - I'm too tired to make anew and made that mistake.
Just so much today but wonderful! Doris

"How are you?

I'm finding that it's me who has to console others, rather than the other way around when they come to see me.
"How are you?" they say.
What can I reply?
"I'm dying"?
"I'm getting weaker."
Do I say "Don't worry, I'm not sad"?

How can I be sad?
I've lived for ninety years and it's been an interesting procedure.
First I acted on stage - I came to Canada, this great and wonderful country. I had ten children then the privilege to paint. I discovered writing and the making of books. I found Willy and shared his wit with the world. At this moment all my children are alive and I'm proud of them. 
I have friends who can break your heart with their caring and devotion.
I've seen the beauty of this planet in different countries.

Having known myself and told other women, we can come to that insurmountable desolation and although we find it impossible to believe, we CAN and WILL rise up - blossom in a way which stuns us and surpass all expectations to accomplish undreamed of events!

Hospice assures me I will die without pain and every day here is full of loving care - so I'm not sad
I am grateful Doris.

Will type more tomorrow - dear son Ted just left.
Kathy - My flower is to be the Daffodil. The Herald of Spring - thank you.