Friday, January 31, 2014

Cherry Blossoms

I joined May (next door) at her table for lunch today because it was her first trip to the dining room after her surgery. I will revert to my table tomorrow as I like to read.
I had taken a book by Paul St.Pierre.
I enjoyed knowing Paul. he ran a session in the college on creative writing. He would take no idleness or slackness. He didn't waste time being kind, it was always straight to the point. I sensed he was doing it under duress, he was getting older and trying to get his next book published. He had his stories made into film for television so I guessed it was hard to prove yourself yet again - I don't know. But his eyes twinkled when I parried with him - he liked a fight.
He ran a second session and I signed up again. You don't come across someone like him often and I gulped down his special phrases which seemed to me to be like sunbeams of understanding what good writing is about.
I was surprised he was repeating much of the first session. "Why are you taking the easy way?" I asked. But he introduced other factors and after all, those classes are about what the students bring into them. They were good with their writing too.
He phoned me afterwards in the summer and said, "My friend has a large house in the Chilcotin with dogs and a cat. He's going away for four months would you like to stay there and write the great Canadian novel?" Well I asked Willy if he'd join me and he wouldn't so I wasn't brave enough to do it on my own. I know I missed a good chance to learn about the country and yes - I might have written a small novel - don't professional writers go somewhere peaceful and write?
But with big dogs around it wouldn't have been peaceful for me!!!

Just had a visit from six Bible college girls who come to Carrington to volunteer for jobs here. One of them came one day to talk to me about painting and writing so now they all come. I tell them everything I can.
One question was "How is it that my grandmother can't use a cell phone and you are on a blog. What makes you so modern in your ways and work?"
I've always strived to be contemporary and be in todays world. Modern art started over one hundred years ago and still people hang on to what was painted before that time.

Brenda phoned from Vancouver - she sounded strong.

I'm changing into my painting togs and will attack the red painting. Chinese Year of the Horse sings in my ears  I don't know why.

signed - The girl who didn't write the great Canadian novel - Doris

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pete Seegar

Just watching Pete Seegar on the television. What an example of a single person with a basic instrument (banjo) who reached out to so many.
I watched his delivery with his singing and he knew exactly how to pace the words of his songs. There were always smiles and a steady rhythm even in the sad ballads.
he quoted someone as saying "You can't set out to conquer the whole world but you can start with voicing your thoughts locally." I believe this too.
He died the other day.

I had my hair permed. Told Jackie it sure helped for her to have given me a good perm which held up during my 'troubles' - at least I didn't have to worry about looking not only like the tin man but the scare-crow too!
Norma came to talk to her and it was SO good to see she is recovering from her fall.
In the elevator I met Fred who is the jolliest fellow, he said he'd missed me where had I gone so I told him about changing my eating time.

Not the just the past New Year but the one before, a small group met up in the social lounge and Fred was there and John and Felix and it just turned out to be such an impromptu wonderful party and we laughed so much.

I went to the credit union and asked for the lady who years ago had helped me get Willy to agree to be on my bank account with me. She spent an hour with me and enlightened me towards certain situations about executors and wills. I felt more secure. I like dealing with this credit union.

I went to the library here to find books to read but out of the hundreds there, only a tiny few are what I want to read. I saw the huge number of fiction books written by certain writers in Romance. How can they stand to stay with the same formulas over and over?

My son phoned from Wpg. to plan his visit and told me that Brenda has left already for her trip.

The fire-men came to test all alarms but happily I was under the hair dryer and didn't hear all the bing-bings going continually.

How quickly the days go by - but at least we can go out and drive around not like most of north America - what a tie-up in Georgia  - three cms of snow and people just left their cars on the highway because everyone came to a stop!

signed - nicely permed Doris

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Eye of the storm

I'm used to confronting strange things coming from the unconscious when I paint but have no idea where this "Eye of the storm" comes from. It's nothing to do with the life I'm living and yet it's here and I can't do anything about it because the paint is heavily opaque and can't be changed.
It doesn't fit in with any other painting I've done and I'm not happy with it but there it has to stay and probably won't be in the up-coming show. I'll put it up in the studio to study it but doubt whether I can improve it.

My friend was to come today for lunch but about 10 a.m. I was seized by a violent attack of diarrhea (think that's the first time I've typed that word and haven't had to check the dictionary) As there are cases of the flu in the building I thought it had got to me and was quick to phone and cancel our arrangement. What do you know? She had the same thing happen to her! So we'll be in touch later.
I think it was probably the meal I had in the restaurant which upset me even though it seemed harmless. Who knows about these things but as long as one gets over it, it's good.

Called to see Willy but there were no parking spaces anywhere near Pleasantview. Round and round I went, finally parked in ten minute zone and popped in to check how he was. When I ask how he is he says "So and So." He was about the same.

I got a letter mailed to the other niece in Sweden which I've been going to do for ages and up-dated her on Willy's condition.
I found some more things to go in the Plastic box and put away older income tax files.
I culled older food from the fridge and garbaged flowers which had been so pretty but were finished, did coloured washing, missing a Kleenex which had been in a pocket - consequently bits and flakes of Kleenex sticking to the clean clothes and dropping EVERYWHERE in the apartment and worked on the above painting so obviously didn't have the flu which is good.

My kidneys hurt - made a doctor's appointment for Monday afternoon.

I've got to visit the library here or go to a book store for more books to read. I love to read a well-written book.

signed painter of strange works - Doris

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Out on the Busy Bus

Carrington shares a bus with another assisted living place and Laura, the activity person here is a very good driver and tries to make trips a jolly time.
Ten residents went today to have lunch at "Brambles" on the outskirts of Abbotsford.
It's a Nursery and the owner's daughter wanted to set up a Bistro in the barn like structure as she is a chef.
I said it would never work but once again I didn't know it could blossom into one of the best lunch places. It is a massive success and everyone is happy with a different kind of menu and everything is well done (not the steak of course).
It was foggy and raining out but we all enjoyed the outing. I bought the tiniest little glass pot with snowdrops in it. They're man-made but look so real they fool everyone. It gives me pleasure.

The doctor has called me in yet again. I'll put it off until next week, I don't know why he doesn't just tell me on the phone.

Haven't been able to get to the painting again. They are on my mind all the time but I need a space of time, change into a painting smock, stop fiddling with all the other things to do and devote hours to it. I'm setting my alarm for 8:15 a/m. - it will give me an extra 15 minutes. By the time I've washed, cleaned my teeth, taken my blood pressure, blood sugar, insulin and pills, got my breakfast ready, fixed my hair, put my make-up on, rubbed cream into my poor dry arms and legs and decided what to wear, changed my mind and found something else, I'm ready for a nap before I go to my lunch at 11:30 a.m.  Then there's Willy to visit and e-mail and collect and attend to mail and phone calls and the day has disappeared!

I'm really not complaining because I'm glad I'm busy. I just need to organize better I think. But all the things we older people have to do before we get going reminds me of a song I heard about an old fellow talking about his wife undressing to go to bed. She puts her glasses on the chair, then her teeth, her wig and her artificial leg so he says he's going to sleep on that chair "because there's more of her there!"
Signed  Not so artificial Doris

Heard that Dark chocolate is okay for Diabetics. The kind with mostly cocoa. Well it's not for me I know now!

Monday, January 27, 2014

the paintings

The cleaning ladies (girls) came today. They swish around the apartment and have told me they don't have to do much here because I do my own washing of bedclothes and other items and try to keep a certain order. (They say that it's a different story with the men)
It's important that they disinfect the bathroom toilet, shower and floor and vacuum the crumbs where I sit to eat or snack in the evening, otherwise I don't worry too much about things.

 I hid my unfinished paintings in the large closet/room so they wouldn't get dinged with the vacuum cleaner and I don't want people to see my working out stuff.
To my massive surprise, one of the young women saw them, especially "Molten Rainbow" and gasped with appreciation. "The colours are so vibrant and I love, love it" she said, "The colours glow and stand out and it's amazing how it works." This remark to my abstract rendition was so unexpected, because I never expect anyone to understand what I'm doing. I was happy about it. I told her that because the colours are complimentary they react in this strong way.

I received an e-mail from an artist friend to say there was a gallery who may accept paintings for sale.
A strange feeling came over me when I realized I have absolutely no thought of selling my work now. It feels foreign to me to even think about it. It's actually freeing to be away from juried shows and selling. It's just me and the paint.

I had just told Brenda that these would be my last large paintings. I have told someone they can have my acrylic paints as soon as I have cleaned up the work for July show and I really feel the time has come to make the decision. But it was nice to have a young person actually like and understand what I'm doing.

The foot lady came but I need a qualified Podiatrist because of my big toe. It still hurts from the damage six months ago. She came from "We Care".

I mailed a letter to Willy's niece in Sweden. His only things of value, other than what I've bought for him, is a pair of gold cuff-links, a large gold coin from Denmark and the gold ring that belonged to his father. His mother had taken his father's wedding ring (he died when Willy was seven years old) and had a black stone inserted to make a dress ring from it. Willy never ever wore it of course. But it is a family artifact and belongs with them and it's another thing I had to see done.

I saw him today and he looked uncomfortable in his light wheelchair, he will not even look at his large one but managed to enquire about my family and he thought I had three daughters (I have four) otherwise I can't make out what he says but he looked better than the other day.

Pleasantview was having trouble with the sliding door to enter the building and one new resident lady wanted to go home through it, another man didn't know what to dot until the nurse came and said it was all clear for me to go through quickly before the lady escaped. It reminded me of when Willy was always scheming to get out of the place. I used to worry that he would succeed but it was all bravado.

I finished Joyce Carole Oates book and she affirmed that so many will want all these forms filled out after a death. One thing is sure I certainly won't be affected as she was, going around wanting to commit suicide. I remember writing to my father after his second wife died. He didn't know what to do without a woman. I wrote to tell him it was ridiculous not being able to look after himself. Boy! Did he ever tell me off - but one has to deal with things and remain your own person, you can't live only through another person.

So gradually I'm catching up with things. I e-mailed my nephew who has lived in my sister's Heritage house in the village of Ashorne, Warwickshire since Peggy's death but now has a partner and has sold it. This was a tremendous decision because Ashorne and the house has been everything to him.
After twenty-five years of being in Canada, I went back to see Peggy in Ashorne and walking down the street someone recognised me as the star on the stage and a beauty queen during the war days!
Signed long-ago beauty Doris

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The plastic box

I DID get out a plastic box. Had to dump many tubes of acrylic paint out and actually found the first thing to go into it. It's a paper I got from the local funeral home telling me the steps to take when a person dies.
I see where it says I'm supposed to notify Pleasantview that I have connected to the funeral home so they will know which place will collect the body.
Once that is over with I go to the funeral home to sign paper work.
Once the cremation is done, someone will go to pick up the ashes and pay the bill.
They have quoted $1900 for cremation and 395.00 for the wooden box to put the ashes in. I know there will be some unexpected expenses as well.
Both Willy and I require only basic service from the funeral parlour. He doesn't want a "Celebration of Life" but I do and wish to have it here at Carrington. They have said there will not be a charge (guess it's good for marketing to have lots of people see the facilities here) but we will give them a donation.
Both of our ashes will be strewn close to he bench behind Pleasantview. We walked many times to that spot and sat listening to the birds. It was peaceful and we thought of it as "our bench".

I talked with May about something I may have missed regarding all this but she said it's not so bad if you don't have property but make sure you keep the original death certificate (It has red typing at the top) and get lots of copies because everyone wants one.

I came across a typed letter from T.D. Bank and a card with a name on it saying they will be the co-executor of our estate. I'm going to do something about that tomorrow.
I'll make a bet that that particular man will no longer be there.

So my plastic box has started to accumulate the necessary forms and instructions for both Willy and I in the event of our deaths.

I've been working on the three canvasses. One I think will be called "Molten Rainbow" - another "The eye of the storm" and the other I don't know. The painting of them is rugged and leaning towards angry and I don't know why because I'm not angry.
They are not finished by a long shot so I will stack them around and try not to fuss with them. If I start picking at them, the immediacy will be gone and instead of raw-looking (therefore powerful) they will be controlled and tamed but there lies the danger of painting.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The three canvasses

Yes, the three canvasses have been primed with gesso and finally I go to the large closet to find my paints and brushes. They're in two large plastic boxes on the top shelf. I get my grabber bar to ease them out and they fall with a crash and spill all over the floor.
Keep calm Doris - take your time to lean down to pick up a few - rest and then slowly lean down to reach some more tubes of acrylic. Remember your sore muscles.

Okay - do I continue the rainbow theme?
Do I paint in an unconscious way?
Do I just start with anything?
There's no guide so I just plow on some paint using the acrylic straight from the tubes.

Some tubes have dried up. I don't hesitate to get rid of them. Can't dilly dally around with save or not save. I see a box of medical rubber gloves on the shelf - I have no idea why I bought them. I put them on my hands to push the paint around on the canvas. At least I've got a sort of base to work on. And the painting takes hold to tell me what it wants to be!

The paint seems to shape into a rainbow. I leave the oranges so they remain pure and know that it wants to continue my theme. I'll respect this guide and continue refining it.
Signed painting Doris.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Willy's move

Barbara came with me to the meeting about Willy's impending move to a new building which is supposed to be state of the art!
It was run in a good way except there always has to be someone who talks in the audience during the information so I called the speaker to do something about it which she did.
The staff of Pleasantview will not automatically go to the new place (The naming of which is waiting for a million dollar donor to present him/herself so he can have his/her name on it !) It's a different union but they can apply for casual jobs there.

One lady enquired as to was there any help for her because she was the sole care-giver for her mother and her husband and there was no one else in the family and what if something happened to her would these residents be cared for and how?
The social worker said yes - I'll will help you with a Public Trustee.
So many sad cases and such caring, devoted people who want the best for their loved ones.

As we came into Pleasantview a care-aid told me Willy had found out how to get into his bed - as he was trying to do when \I saw him last time, he was wrapped in the bed cover and snoring away so he didn't have his lunch.
After the meeting we saw him looking like a bear who was ready for hibernation, wrapped like in a cocoon and still asleep. He recognised me said "I can't drive the big wheelchair." After that I couldn't make any sense of what he was saying and his voice was almost gone.
The hated wheelchair stood in the corner with the other one but I know he will not try out the large one because he tried it when he was able and his brain would not tell his hands to use the wheel.
I called at the desk to make sure they know to wheel him to meals. He should be in that phase now.
I'll have to check that it is carried out.

I have a massive urge to complete those three canvasses. There will be a messy area in my studio room and that bothers me but I must get them done and think about putting away my painting equipment. I've ordered some print-outs to inform people of our show in July so they can mark their calendars.

When Willy dies there will be so much work to do that I won't have time to devote to anything else. I've heard enough stories about clearing up estates to make my hair curl !
Signed  at the moment straight-haired Doris

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I went to Vancouver with Brenda yesterday and we drove over the new bridge. Kept wondering why I hadn't brought my camera. There were no end of opportunities for good shots especially in the medical building with glass windows everywhere and abstract designs. I used to think I was a city girl but that was before all roads got choked with vehicles!

I go today to an appointment at Pleasantview I think it's to discuss Willy's move to the new building in early April.

The doctor has said he was concerned about my kidney function (not my Potassium after all) so am on 2.5 mg of Ramiprill which is supposed to help. I think everything inside my body was affected by my fall/crash. It was as if a car had run into me.

May is home from hospital and takes everything like a model patient, 'getting on with it' as the old days people used to do.

I'm still ploughing through the 1,000 page book "Middlemarch". I skip some passages where the details are too extreme but mostly still enjoy the way she writes so you feel you know her characters.

Looks as though I won't have any more commitments till Monday when the foot lady comes, so I'll tackle the three canvasses and my Talk and can set my mind at ease then.

signed "Easy mind-set" Doris

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

lost again

I'm going to Vancouver General hospital with Brenda after lunch so won't write much today. She's to see a dentist.

Yes, I've been lost because I couldn't get into writing on my blog. Seems life gets you lost with illness or on the blog whether you like it or not!

I'm walking to the dining room without the walker. Residents are cheering me on when I see them - cute!
I even drove yesterday and my darling buddy car started fine even though it's been three weeks or more since I've even looked at it. (21 years old - the car - not me)

Went to see Willy and wished I had my camera - he had his legs somewhat on his bed and his bottom sagging between the bed and the wheelchair and his torso just hanging on the edge of his wheelchair. It took two care-aids and me to hoist him up. I took him to his new place in the dining room ( so they can feed him) put his bib on and he turned on me in anger saying he's had his dinner. But of course he hadn't.
Well I guess if he can be angry he still has some of his wits about him but it affects me.

I'm wondering if I'll ever catch up with my lost days. Of course I could stop watching TV at night but last night saw the life of Jerry Silinger (sp) who wrote Catcher in the Rye and I was riveted by it.
Signed lost, happier and riveted Doris

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Pheasant for dinner

Well I've hit the wrong key again and don't know where my blog for tonight went but hope you'll find it because I'm going to rest now   signed eating high-end  Doris

Pheasant for dinner

I like to experience unusual food, see modern design, find out about other cultures and stretch my knowledge in all directions.
We went to Heritage Park restaurant and I chose Pheasant with polenta.
I won't have it again but now I know what it tastes like. Drier than chicken and edible but not my favourite.
I was glad that Valerie shared my slice of cheesecake otherwise I would have sunk my new idea of not consuming milk products.

What was important was Mary wanted us to have a break from routine and to get together after not having seen each other for a while. And it was good.

Joy and Dario came for a visit - he's home from work in Nanaimo but has to go back on Monday. He's much in demand as a reputable pipe-fitter and the Government has jobs for him. It means he's away from home quite a bit and he's sent to out-of-the way places which are no Palm Springs let me tell you.

I received a darling white basket filled with Spring flowers from Laura. My goodness, it sure lightens up any place to have that colour in the house.

One more day and I go to the doctor's.  I'm feeling so much better except for the mornings. My friend phoned that she also fell down the back steps on the way to the garden. She doesn't have a Life-line and could have been in real trouble. I said for her to phone Community services and they'll direct her to get a Life-line and I understand there's one which will even reach help if you're outside in the yard

Friday, January 17, 2014

India's widows

I can get Netflix and also, when nothing sensible is on the basic channels on T.V. I can get channel 38. It has mostly cow-boys and Indians (the other kind) and one-star movies but tonight I saw three stars, so tuned in. |It was an Indian movie and I caught something about the same person who made "Bollywood" and it was about widows in India.
We had  a clever lady come to Mission from Vancouver and she was keen to help people here understand the Indian culture. I enjoyed her company and her husband Jim would pick me up and we would drive to the Abbotsford University together, gathering in a group and talk about Indian writers and other factors.
I found they have super writers and read some of their books - printed in English of course. One even came to visit the University to answer questions and explain some intricacies of their culture.
In one of the books I saw that from 2,000 years ago, a law by Manu decreed that when a woman's husband died she had a choice to throw herself on his funeral pyre, marry the husband's brother or it was decreed they would spend the rest of their lives in a make-shift building in a group and live from alms and begging. They were cursed and sometimes used for prostitutes.
If a man used her for a prostitute, the men said she would have a blessing HA!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the movie deserved four stars, it was beautifully executed.

Now for brighter things. My two friends picked me up to take me to lunch at "Brambles" at Tanglewood nursery. What a joy to go out in the world after being shackled in the apartment. We had a jolly lunch (each of us sharing a piece of our lunch so we could all have a taste. The waitress said she couldn't give me a half a cup of coffee after my first one, so Barbara poured some of her second cup into mine. Reminded me of Jack Nicholson in the movie when he asked for a BLT sandwich but without the bacon and the waitress said "We don't have that on the menu" and Jack said "Bring me the BLT and take out the bacon" and she still wouldn't relent.
The drive was so nice with balmy, sunny weather and the mountains glowed with their hats of snow.  I even forgot the past three weeks and felt revived.

I'm also liking George Eliot's nine hundred page book (I slice it into manageable pieces because I can't hold a heavy book - and yes I have a Kobo but I have books to read before I get more from there.)

I see where I can improve in my writing if I go into a bit more detail, making a better picture of what I'm talking about. I'm so deadly scared of boring people that I've held back from doing so but I can visualize George Eliot's world in a clearer way because she describes the characters and the locale so well and takes her time about it.

I heard from May's daughter that she's doing well - I'm so glad and was getting concerned.

My son in Chicago has a new job for beginning of February. Usually he works for a year's contract and just before Christmas they save tax or something by letting them go however he usually gets something the next day. He'll be working for University of Chicago and have benefits.
signed Glad I'm not a widow in India Doris

Thursday, January 16, 2014


The doctor has called me to come in to discuss the lab test ! I bet it's my high Potassium.

I crave fruit but have to be careful because of this condition. Wonder if they have a pill for it.
Joy will take me to the doc. on Monday at 1:30. Nice.

I'm back to my regular pill-taking and will swap the muscle Tynenol for the Arthritus Tynenol.
Weak in the morning but otherwise doing well.

Worked on my talk - it gets long-winded but I'll cut it later.
Guess you've heard that the most hated thing by people is to be told something
and the most loved thing people like to do is to tell people something !!!
Well I tell them the difference between a commercial and a Public Art Gallery and maybe they will not care to hear it.

Brenda phoned from the art store - did I want anything? She's picking up some ink in which you dip a pen-nib in like the old days. Jason bought me this lovely wooden box with a pen holder and different nibs for signing my books when I have them for sale. Wasn't that an original gift? Must say it would look impressive.
Margaret Atwood has an automatic signer and she can be at home in Toronto and the buyer will be somewhere else, give their name and the machine writes as if it was her.

Cut the plastic off a canvas and looking for something to wear so I don't get paint over everything and ready to start going at it.
Signed taking up the brush again Doris

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Joy took little Cara, five years old, to get some Depend diapers for me when I was ill. I was afraid I couldn't reach the bathroom in time not to have an accident.
Cara was amazed and said "I didn't know adult people wore diapers."
If you've ever seen an aisle in a Pharmacy or Super store where they sell these things, it's an learning lesson.
There are extra thin liners with wings and thin liners without wings.
There are medium and maxi liners.
There are this kind of pull-up diaper and that kind of other ones make until your head spins.
How do you know which size or type will be good for you? I asked Joy to get me a large size because I couldn't bear anything pressing on the kidney area. I could have fitted two of me in them and it's a good job my bathroom mirror stops at my mid-section because I would have howled with laughing if I'd seen the rest.
It was Cara who spied the Silhouettes. She read out the wording to Joy saying "These are the very best Gramma. We should get these for Grams (me the great- grandmother)Size medium is just right and they are an improvement over the others and I've just heard that it's common knowledge amongst the elderly here.
Who would have guessed that I would wear them but I'm glad I've worked through the forest to find the right tree in the end.

Walked to lunch without tiring. Laura brought daffodils to my table (I have a weakness for them) and then she played soft music on the piano which I really enjoyed.
I started composing my talk and it took off. it will change in the end but at least I have started.
I'm going back to taking only one Arthritic Tynenol at night as I did before and replacing small aspirin. No other pills so that's an improvement.

Last night watched a movie called "Middle School" It was impressive - thought it was going to have a 'Hallmark' ending but it didn't. signed learning Silhouettes Doris

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Yes I'm thinking about my talk in March. Remembering when I went to St. Paul's convent in Hong Kong.
The streets in Victoria (capital of H.K.) were clustered in different themes. There was a bird street which sold birds and cages. A Flower street and so on. The most popular was the Tailor street which sold material and had small makeshift buildings where a tailor would make any pattern you wanted very quick and cheap.
Mother used to sew all our dresses but then she reverted to this Tailor street idea because it was excellent. I do recall one material she bought, shrank to fit a thimble when washed and never recovered but on the whole all else was satisfactory.

There were mostly Philippine girls boarding at the Convent and at that time, their parents had sent them to learn English and know of Western ways. As I was always drawing, they would ask me to design dresses for them to suit their figures, buy material and have the clothes made on Tailor Street.
I thought a dress designer would be a good career for me. I imagined sitting in a studio with an easel and coloured pens and inks, making flourishing marks on paper with gay abandon! I didn't know I would have to do years of studying, learn pattern-making and how to stitch the things together.
And when I was ready to leave the school the Reverend Mother enquired of us, "What line of work will you go into?" I said "A dress designer." and it reminds me of the joke.

The Reverend Mother of a convent school asked the graduating girls the same question.
The first girl answered "A teacher."
The second said "A nurse."
The third girl said "I'm going to be a Prostitute."
and the Reverend Mother fell in a faint. When she 'came to' she said "I guess I didn't hear right - What did you say you were going to be?"
And the girl said "I'm going to be a Prostitute."
The Reverend Mother smiled with relief.
"Oh! she said, "Thank you Lord. I thought she said she was going to be a Protestant".

I woke this morning at 5 a.m. had pain so took a Tynenol. I've finished the other pill. Went back to sleep and woke to the phone at 10:45 a.m. Brenda was ready to take me for the blood test. We first went for lunch here and drove to the lab and then to Willy's.
His voice had recovered and was talking well - complete turnaround from the last time I saw him. However he couldn't manage to walk his wheel-chair again and when Brenda tried to push him, he didn't raise his feet so you couln't budge him. Talked to Vickey (activity) and she said they will retrieve his big, unwieldy wheelchair. He's already in the dining room where they feed the residents so they are aware of his condition.

I came home with a lighter frame of mind knowing he can be better one day and down the next which is better than being down every day.

Brenda is in better spirits because it looks as though she'll go for a holiday. More another time. Signed Getting there Doris

Monday, January 13, 2014

I'm joining society!

It was fine to walk to the dining room with Willy's walker (sounds like Willy Wonka).
When I sat down at my table quite a few people came to say they were glad to see me back and how was I doing. I was touched by that.

Guess once you've known someone like Bud who used to enter the dining room with a jig (dance) and sing a song - any song - right through before he sat down.  He was loud but always laughing and telling stories and you'd talked to him one night and he was dead the next. Everyone is relieved when the person who was absent for a while appears in their usual place and you exhale your breath and are happy again.

Before I fell, I'd bought some winter pants from a firm who came to Carrington and had things on sale but the pants  needed to be shortened and a top needed hemming so that was my goal for today and I accomplished it all right. Feels so good to have SOMETHING done.

Mornings are still painful, I'm now weaned off the knock-out drops but take the new Tynenol.

Had some nice phone calls and accepted two invites, one for lunch and one for dinner.  Friday and Saturday. It'll be good to be with my friends.

Haven't been able to get my blood-work done but Brenda says tomorrow we'll do it.

Been thinking of the talk I'm to give at the Business and Professional Women's club in March.
Got me thinking what a Professional really means and was surprised to see in the Dictionary - it doesn't mean you have to have a degree. So I think I have quite a lot of ideas under that category and I'm going to start playing with the idea.
signed Doris is playing now.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

getting normal

This has to be short.
Spent the day catching up on phone calls and clearing up a bit so it doesn't look like a hospital room around here. Feels good.

It's just about three weeks since I fell and I learned a lot during that time.

Watched the Golden Globe awards and slice up a large book so I can hold it in my hands - it's "Middlemarch" by George Eliot. I'm going to enjoy her writing because it has the subtle English humour. I liked the prologue telling about her life. She was a brave lady.

Tomorrow if Brenda can't come I'll try taking the car out, I'm sure he's been missing me.
Almost normal - Doris

Saturday, January 11, 2014

another good day

I was interrupted by the phone ringing two short rings which means someone was buzzing me to let them in. Well joy had left about fifteen minutes previously, and when she didn't give her name I thought something had gone wrong with her car and she needed help, so I buzzed to let her in. No-one came and as the minutes ticked by I realized I had let a stranger in the building. Called the person on duty and informed them. She said she's go to the lobby and check. Well, I went myself. No one there or in the corridor.
In future I'll not let anyone in unless they tell me their name.
We had something like that happen before and they had to change all the keys because it was serious.
Whew! Glad that's over, or at least I think it is.

I felt good again after I'd recovered from the usual weak session in the morning (took blood pressure and it was fine.) I left the walker decorating the space and waited for Joy to come. Her Hydro was off again.

Went to see Willy who had had lunch in the dining room proper but hadn't moved his wheelchair more than a few feet and didn't have energy to go any further. It's the same as before. I get the feeling he just doesn't want to be bothered about anything. He mumbles strange things but I can't understand.

I walked without the walker to the shops - okay so I hung on to Joy a bit - but it made me feel free and I didn't care about the rain pouring down, I was out and felt good.

May goes tomorrow to get ready for her treatment. I've got her mail-keys.

I'll say good-night and blessings - ready for bed - Doris

Friday, January 10, 2014

Getting out again

Joy came to take me to the bank and Shoppers Drug Mart.

It was good to feel the frosty air once more and I caught up with my bills etc. They said the 6th of January is the 'bluest' day of the year with the let-down from Christmas parties and the bills flooding in to the mail box. People get depressed but for me I'm glad I've made it through till now.
Ninety-one year old Elsie Lightburn was at the counter of the bank and she was featured in the newspaper so we kidded about whose picture was bigger and better.

When we went in Joy's bank there was "What's On" magazine on a table and there's a photo of Mary and me

A better day has arrived

I woke up determined to wash my hair, I was going to climb into the sink if necessary but I was going to wash my hair and I did. I even put some ear-rings on and got dressed, expecting pain but it didn't come for a while.
Brenda thought she could come over to take me for blood test but I was glad when she said she had a sinus headache so wouldn't arrive. Not that I was glad she had a headache but she always pushes herself and she should rest.
May came in and Mady came over for good conversation on the art world. I felt I was being welcomed back into the world I'd left on Christmas Eve. So a very good day it was.
I found out that Connie, my former husband's sister who died during surgery the other day, was in her ninetieth year but not ninety yet. I had been told for years that she was almost the same age as me and had to clarify the fact because being this kind of age, the slightest thing you get wrong gets you labelled as "slipping".
I am so sorry for Helen, his youngest sister because she is the only one of the family left now.

I wrote a poem when I was sixty five - can't find it but yes, when I was living on my own I burned a pot on the stove, hastily ran it under cold water and put it out on the balcony so no one would know.
Who arrives but one of my sons, sniffing and scrunching up his forehead and asking what had happened. A thirty-five can burn a pot but when a sixty-five year old does it, word flies around on smoke signals to the whole family and it's the beginning of "watching mother."

My dear friend from sixty years ago Wilda, phoned because she hadn't received a Christmas card from me. I checked my book and I had sent one but something must have happened.
signed No-burn-pot Doris

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Phone call this morning from Pleasantview. Willy fell again. Looks like he was trying to get out of bed and got caught between the pole and the bed. Told the nurse he was going to walk to Winnipeg!!
She will call the doctor if she thinks he needs it but nothing broken. She said he's deteriorating.

I couldn't sleep last night and watched the clock tick away endlessly thinking I've got to get ready for him to die. He looks in good shape but his eyes tell it all, they are either blank or far away. He wants to be left alone and not bothered with trying to work out what people are saying or asking him to do things. I'll try to see him again because I know I represent security to him. I was so thankful yesterday for that glimmer of his laugh lines.
Willy's old walker with wheels is easier to manage and I can sit on the seat if necessary.
Brenda is to take me for blood test tomorrow. I have high Potassium and must ease up on the fruit which I enjoy.

Tonight at 4:30 staff brought my dinner although I said not to do so. (they worry I'm not eating enough.) The meat is enough for a lion and the same nausea comes when I look at mashed potatoes and yams. I much prefer a lady-like serving they have at lunch. I told them okay they can bring Sunday's dinner which is usually special. I appreciate this service but will try to cancel it in a day or so because it will give me a walk and I won't get nervous now because I can rest  half-way - it's 214 steps to the dining room and the same coming back.

I would say I'm doing quite well with combination of Tynenol and a quarter of the knock-out  pill.
signed Getting better - Doris

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

a sorry day

Joy came to take me to see Willy. He'd had a fall and had been agitated because I couldn't go to have Christmas lunch with him.
As we were walking in, the dietician was spooning him his meal, rubbing his back in sympathy and talking to him in a caring way. He looked at us but it didn't register that it was us. Woomp! It isn't good. Joy thought he'd had a minor stroke because of some symptoms. His speech has deteriorated. He said "We'd better plant a tree." and then, "We should get flowers" I knew he meant I should have flowers because I've been sick. As we took him to his room the Dietician stopped me and told me he hasn't been able to use his utensils for eating and can't find his mouth and sometimes puts his fingers to his mouth area but hasn't any food in them. He will probably go into the proper dining room where there is more staff to feed him.
He looks good but his left eye runs with goo and his nose runs. He promptly fell asleep but after a while woke up and I wanted him to be sure he knew I had come and it was good we did because for some reason his laugh lines appeared on his face and he told Joy the story of when he bought a Toyota Tercel for me because I didn't want to drive his manual-geared truck and told me - okay drive around the block when I hadn't driven for nine years. He had laughed then at how scared I was but how gleeful I looked when it went so easily and even went too fast.

So I try not to feel guilty about leaving him so long without visiting but I feel better today and am not taking the knock-out pills so much but doc. said I could use the new Tynenol for body pain which is easier on the fuzziness.

Joy and I walked to the social lounge and by that time pain was negligible.

More bad news came but not to do with Willy or me. Life seems to throw these things at us in clusters. 
For my situation I know I will recover and take up my activities soon. The Activity director said she wants me to do a reading from my books soon.

seeing the sad but getting ready to be strong enough to take it - Doris

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lost in the Bay.

I've been taking only a quarter of my muscle relaxation pill but when waking up this morning and my back being ready to break in half like I do with the pill - I took a half. I fell asleep.
Two other ladies were there and we were doing good work until I began to make mistakes, I pressed a button on a machine and told Lynn it had started her dishwasher. "How can you do that when I haven't got a dishwasher" she said. It was the washing machine and we couldn't stop it running with no clothes in it. I scuffed the floor boards with my shoes and dropped all I picked up. They looked at me as if I was crazy and I remembered I was taking a pill and my mind wasn't right.
I stumbled into the main floor of Hudson Bay and went in a tiny elevator. The elevator man looked like the conductor on the Polar Express and he asked if I has special permission to use it. I asked why I would need one and he pointed to the large print which said "POLICE ELEVATOR". He took me up to the fifth floor and when I looked at the corner of the elevator, there was a deer hanging there with blood running on the floor. UGH!
He let me out in the brick-walled basement and wherever I looked there were colorful East-Indian dancers and acrobats. I kept asking where were the elevators and they never would tell me and I became frantic. It was ages before I found one and when it let me out, I was in a slum area and thought the Bay should never have built its store there and in my hopeless state, I woke up.

All I can say is I feel mighty sorry for people who take any street drugs because it's frightening and so real you can't distinguish real from unreal.

Flower story

I lost contact with my blog again and it seems determined that I'm not going to tell the flower story.

I also lost one article called "Lost in the Bay."

One lovely Spring day in Mission B.C. I was walking past some pleasant back gardens and came across a blooming mass of multi- coloured Azaleas and rhododendrons which almost shocked me with its beauty. I stood in awe of such a garden and the owner came up to me.
" I'm an artist." I told him, "and such brilliance sets alight all my senses."
With that, he told me to wait while he clipped an armful for me. How very generous of him, I thought as I carried them back to my apartment.
When I arrived, I found a vase, it had to be very large, filled it with water put the complete armload of flowers in it and set out water-colour paints, brushes and 300 lb. paper.
I carried the initial excitement of first seeing these flowers as I sat down to paint.
Nothing would stop me once I started. I had to give them the life they had shown when I first came across them.
I didn't know that the man who had grown these flowers was well-known or that later one of the flowers would become Mission's emblem. I just knew I'd been handed a bit of heaven.

And it came to pass that when Willy wanted to court me, he asked if he could come to my apartment to buy a painting. I got everything out but he said, "Don't do that, I'll just take one from your wall."
And he chose that painting.

We eventually lived together so once again it came to live on our wall and someone else fell in love with it and Willy said - "It's okay - let it go." I missed it very much but if you know about an artist's life, we need money for our supplies.

It must have happened twenty-four years ago because Willy and I have been together that long now that it's 2014.
Bringing the story up to where I am in assisted living and Willy is 93 years old and in Pleasantview. I am sore after a fall and hired Care Aids to assist me and one of them goes to the garden man I speak of. I knew it must be him because she talked of his garden. I asked her to tell him how his flowers live on in the painting.
I'll ask Mady if she can find a copy of it for him.

signed painting can stories:-Doris

Monday, January 6, 2014

Getting out again - continued

Then we went to the doctor's waiting room which was crammed with people and more people. I've never seen it so full of all shapes and sizes. Extra chairs were brought in. Joy said because it was after Christmas.

He gave me a form for testing of the kidneys. Talked about blood pressure medicine and prodded me in the side but I've already said it doesn't register anything. At least he knows about it all now. I'm to keep taking my blood-pressure in the morning and he'll check in a month what I should have.

My friend Joan came in and we talked a lot.

We went to the ABC restaurant for dinner and I had a Waffle - anything to vary my menu. I miss when Willy and I used to talk to John, the manager but new owner aim to please all right.The coffee was good, think I'll start brewing my own.

I talked to son Patrick outside of Winnipeg and he's tired of clearing snow in the drive-way. It blows back in his face in minus 40 degrees, he clears it and then it comes back again.
Young Ted said he drove all the way to Regina. Found out the hotel doesn't have those electric plug-ins to keep the car warm overnight. On the way there he used his windshield wipers with the wiper cleaning stuff and it froze solid so he couldn't see. Scraping wouldn't move it.

It reminds me when we were in North Bay and I'd just learned to drive, it was October. Ted (former husband) was coming home by train and called me to drive to the station to collect him. I warmed up the engine of the brand new car (think it was a Valient) and went in to wrap the children in warm clothes. When I came out I heard this large C R A C K! Called a man over to ask him what happened and he said "Lady, you've cracked the block".  The up-shot was that the firm selling us the car had not put in anti-freeze so it hadn't been my fault after all. But I never forgot that phrase and it comes back to me at the oddest times,"Lady you've cracked the block".

I'm a bit tired after all the excitement of going out so no painting story but it will come.
signed Lady with the cracked block - Doris

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy day

Today is happy because I walked without the walker (carefully) and did some chores around the apartment. I did not take any more of the pain pills and therefore feel more clear-headed.
The last care-aid from "We Care" has gone and I appreciated them being here. However I never learned not to "story-tell" or to stop them from their stories. I do the same with my doctor and the lawyer! The lawyer is good though and brings me up short to get back to business. My opinion is that it would be a sad world if we didn't share stories but trouble with me is I go to off-shoot stories and go on too long.

Tomorrow I will attempt to go to check in with my doctor for a follow through exam. Of course like anyone prodding me, I don't feel anything because the pain is inside. Joy is coming to take me and I wish I had collected some loose fitting clothes because I think snug waistbands are out for a while to go outside with.

I told Steve (who delivers my lunch to the apartment) that I'm better and he said "That's good because some people here are sick with the flu."

signed Not dopey anymore Doris.
p.s. I'll tell the second painting story later!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

doris is here

I nearly lost my blog - oh dear! Paul resurrected it.
 But I had a good day with improvement and my daughter Joy and little Cara coming and walking me up the corridor. Joy will come Monday to see if I can get to go to a doctor.
Joy took down my small Christmas tree to the storage place downstairs and Cara cut down the silver stars from the balcony railing.
Which reminds me that in Saturday's Globe and Mail which I have delivered here, is an article about Winnipeg's latest tourist place - it is massive - which critics say either resembles 'the finger' or a Kaiser's helmet but the architect said he wanted it to look like a dove folding its wings over the building. It is a museum for humankind financed by many different people, Izzy Asper's daughter and governments. I liked the photograph of the interior which is lit by multi glassed forms AND HAS STAIR WALLS THAT GO FROM THE BASES AND UP TO THE RAILINGS  DONE WITH TRANSLUSCENT ALABASTER !!! How lovely and artistic.
It is Winnipeg's Eiffel Tower.

Was woken at 8 a.m. by a phone call from Pleasantview to say Willy had fallen but everything okay. Seems no-one has the message that he was told that I can't go to see him because of my fall.

I've cancelled "We Care" after tomorrow and glad to know we can get their help.

Sorry to say my former sister-in-law Connie has died during stent surgery. It leaves only one child from five in my former husband's family which is hard to take for Helen.

I've got two stories about my paintings:-
The first is an egg-tempura painting of a well-rounded lady (my friend Yvonne) who persuaded me to live in Vancouver island. I had a project under Robin Field (wonder teacher) which was to paint a series of ten works in tempera of important people to me in my community.
It was painted OVER THIRTY YEARS AGO and was in a solo show I had in Maple Ridge public gallery fifteen years ago.
A lady from that city loved it and remembered me, so when she knew where I lived, wanted to buy it.
It had become scratched - ruined - so I threw it away, cutting it up because egg tempera is hard to store anyway.
Mady put it on my face-book because she had data-based my old work. My care-aid saw it and understood that I had honored well-rounded women and she knew my friend was sad to leave her home she had shared with her late husband. She loved the painting too.

Sorry - It's hard on my back to stay here so must go for now - can't tell the other story now - Proud of the painting which showed great feeling - still painting - Doris

Friday, January 3, 2014

So today I can say I'm encouraged. Not that the pain above my kidneys is gone but I can manage moves which I couldn't deal with yesterday.

The same care-aid came today who I'd had before when she washed my feet (reminding me of Jesus) with the coconut oil soap Brenda bought me. There were two bars but when I went to find the second one I couldn't find it, neither could other people. We concluded it had been flushed down the toilet with the bowl of water by mistake and I'd lost it. You can see how easy it is to blame someone when it would be totally wrong. I'm sorry.
This morning I saw the other bar without even looking for it. It was tightly wrapped in buff coloured shiny paper. It doesn't give a name brand but says "Coconut extract - authentic fresh fruit extract".

Hope I'm not considered silly to be held up by a bar of soap but there's very little an old lady can be given when she has all that's necessary and most gifts just take up room. This soap meets the "precious gift" stamp of approval and helps my poor old dry skin. The care-aid washed my back and "Under-carriage" as one client had called it and I thought it was good enough to put on this blog.

Joy will come tomorrow, hopefully with little Cara - my great grand-daughter. I've left some Christmas ornaments up and the tiny Christmas tree so she can enjoy it.

I find it hard to get into a sitting position on the chesterfield or to get out of bed. I could order a pole which is secured to the ceiling and floor and would be the solution. By the way, "We Care" people gave me a magazine called "Solutions"which informs of helpful advice like what is available to help one in these matters. It's up-beat.

I'm finding it difficult to be too long away from the chesterfield because my whole back complains. But I actually walked about ten steps away from the walker which is a blessed sign!
signed Bless-ed Doris

Midnight Rainbow by Doris J Paterson 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Sore Doris

My friend gave me a sample of Tibetan tea that he bought on his tour of China. It's a black mess of twigs and crumbly stuff that looks like Hash. I wanted him to take some home so Lorna could try it. He said "I'd better not."
He couldn't get a hotel room in Mission the third night here because it was New Year's Eve. Our hotel was full and is connected to a bar. People didn't want to drink and drive. He went to Abbotsford Best Western (he thought it was great) and on the way there, was stopped by police for a breathalyzer test and he sure was happy he wasn't carrying Tibetan tea !!!

My other son Paul came with his wife and children (he also lives on the Island in Saanich). It was a happy reunion for us all. When I held his hand I found it roughened with hard work. He never stops working. Ella showed me her art on the I-pad (amazing). Joshua told me about the Advent Calendar which had Lego people in the slots and how he's good at Math. Jackie did a good painting of Brenda and she wants to get back to painting but works two days a week now. Joshua said he misses being walked to school but Jackie job is in a school just across the way from his so she's close by. Ella said when her Dad was away one time, she blew him a kiss. It went all around the world, then hit his cheek just fine.

Tom (Mary's husband) brought up two containers of her wonderful - all inclusive - soup which can stand for perfect dinners as it has new potatoes, cauliflower, other veggies, spaghetti and hearty meatballs.

I did a bit more walking around today but had to take more muscle relaxant pills. I know I'm mending but I still hurt.   Sore Doris

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello 2014! Mark refused to go home and is still here today. He bought multi plastic drawers and has been sorting out my large - almost room-sized - closet so all "extras" are now in a proper order, each having its own drawer. He got them from Wal-Mart and London Drugs and they are stacked drawers, some having wheels so I can wheel them in another place if I want. What heaven! I'm starting the new year with a clean slate as regards a neater place to live in.
That's the trouble with me. I have too many interests which require too much stuff.

Care-aid from "We Care" will come for an hour once a day for a week. (Private billing) They are scheduled to "do anything I ask them to do". This morning she washed my pillow-case. My pillow is too wide for the standard pillow-cases and I only had a large flannel one which fit without scrunching up the pillow and making it too hard for my head. The care-aid was mortified it was so old, saying it should be replaced by getting a seamstress to make one.
When I am well, I can cancel their contract twenty-four hours ahead. I can also call for a foot-doctor and make an appointment for him to come here for $50.00. I'll ask for him to come, that's for sure
She did the dishes and she washed my dry, dry legs with coconut oil soap and creamed them with coconut oil.

I walked a bit without the walker. I know now there's some improvement and as long as I'm careful  it's going to be all right. And so begins the new year. Assisted Doris.

The Masked Artist