Saturday, January 11, 2014

another good day

I was interrupted by the phone ringing two short rings which means someone was buzzing me to let them in. Well joy had left about fifteen minutes previously, and when she didn't give her name I thought something had gone wrong with her car and she needed help, so I buzzed to let her in. No-one came and as the minutes ticked by I realized I had let a stranger in the building. Called the person on duty and informed them. She said she's go to the lobby and check. Well, I went myself. No one there or in the corridor.
In future I'll not let anyone in unless they tell me their name.
We had something like that happen before and they had to change all the keys because it was serious.
Whew! Glad that's over, or at least I think it is.

I felt good again after I'd recovered from the usual weak session in the morning (took blood pressure and it was fine.) I left the walker decorating the space and waited for Joy to come. Her Hydro was off again.

Went to see Willy who had had lunch in the dining room proper but hadn't moved his wheelchair more than a few feet and didn't have energy to go any further. It's the same as before. I get the feeling he just doesn't want to be bothered about anything. He mumbles strange things but I can't understand.

I walked without the walker to the shops - okay so I hung on to Joy a bit - but it made me feel free and I didn't care about the rain pouring down, I was out and felt good.

May goes tomorrow to get ready for her treatment. I've got her mail-keys.

I'll say good-night and blessings - ready for bed - Doris

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