Then we went to the doctor's waiting room which was crammed with people and more people. I've never seen it so full of all shapes and sizes. Extra chairs were brought in. Joy said because it was after Christmas.
He gave me a form for testing of the kidneys. Talked about blood pressure medicine and prodded me in the side but I've already said it doesn't register anything. At least he knows about it all now. I'm to keep taking my blood-pressure in the morning and he'll check in a month what I should have.
My friend Joan came in and we talked a lot.
We went to the ABC restaurant for dinner and I had a Waffle - anything to vary my menu. I miss when Willy and I used to talk to John, the manager but new owner aim to please all right.The coffee was good, think I'll start brewing my own.
I talked to son Patrick outside of Winnipeg and he's tired of clearing snow in the drive-way. It blows back in his face in minus 40 degrees, he clears it and then it comes back again.
Young Ted said he drove all the way to Regina. Found out the hotel doesn't have those electric plug-ins to keep the car warm overnight. On the way there he used his windshield wipers with the wiper cleaning stuff and it froze solid so he couldn't see. Scraping wouldn't move it.
It reminds me when we were in North Bay and I'd just learned to drive, it was October. Ted (former husband) was coming home by train and called me to drive to the station to collect him. I warmed up the engine of the brand new car (think it was a Valient) and went in to wrap the children in warm clothes. When I came out I heard this large C R A C K! Called a man over to ask him what happened and he said "Lady, you've cracked the block". The up-shot was that the firm selling us the car had not put in anti-freeze so it hadn't been my fault after all. But I never forgot that phrase and it comes back to me at the oddest times,"Lady you've cracked the block".
I'm a bit tired after all the excitement of going out so no painting story but it will come.
signed Lady with the cracked block - Doris
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