Yes - this is a better time of day to type.
I've just been washed in every cranny and pants changed even though they didn't need changing and tch! tch when I didn't want a shower but a bed bath.
I was in a sound sleep when it was decided to clean me up so I wasn't a submissive lady!!
I'll have to invent another sort of prayer like the Hail Mary to stop me from being unappreciative and nasty.
It's the independence thing again. All this given me but I bristle when I can't decide for myself.
Yesterday was so wonderful with Mady arriving with a reproduction of "The Summer Solstice" painting, framing it and putting it up in the room so I don't have to try to explain "what I do."
She also brought a photograph at the business and professional group's dinner. Now I can tell this staff - "This is me with teeth!"
Thank you so much for coming Jan-Ruth-Val and Kathy. Flowers from the garden are enjoyed by their smell by all.
Dario and Joy came. Joy fixed all the flowers with watering etc. and brought Greek yogurt.
Another replacement doctor came so I was able to ask about being off insulin and he said that was fine so it settled me down.
Dario can't help getting more beautiful coral and fish for his aquarium and shows me the exquisite world he has created by adding photographs to record them. Little Cara chose one which was pink and orange so he named it Cara.
M. the bed tray works well to hold the note book and it has a lip around so any spills won't go on the floor.
Ted came to say goodbye for now .He brought me the ten Willy books and a volunteer brought them one at a time to sign for Karen.
They give me the prettiest nighties here - Today I'm in pink with an English style pattern on the material.
I'm asked "Where is your cream?" or "Where did you put your hair brush?" But being on my island I don't know where anything is that is not in sight. I still don't know what to call the island.
Barbara M. came for a great visit and we talked about the show in June and she reminded me that it's not long now because IT IS TO BE HUNG ON THE 21st June. We don't talk about that because there are too many dates to put on the invitations - the first day of hanging - the official opening day and the day it's taken down. The important day is 28th. and is the opening when all can gather to celebrate as a family does.
The good-looking replacement doctor caught Barbara's eye and she has plans to come often on the chance he'll be around! We laughed a lot about it.
signed Doris be good.
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