Friday, April 25, 2014


Okay I missed writing yesterday but here is catch-up.

It was a meeting with the bank - not the investment people but we had to co-ordinate the two.
They told me "No - we don't close the joint account - we just freeze it."
Well to my mind - freezing is closing right? And that is what is was but they smiled condescendingly and said "No - no - we don't close it." But I can't take any money out of it so what is that but closing it !!
They also "froze" the joint account whereas from the time it was set up - they said nothing will happen with a joint account - it will carry on as usual on the death of your husband. What a bally-hoo that is. there were all kinds of other things but I won't go into it here - all I can say to everyone is be prepared for freezing even if it's not cold!!!

Thank you for your cards. I hope I don't live till the time when card sending is obsolete because they bring comfort. I keep them for a while, bring them out to read again and finding the choice people make in buying them to send, shows the person's character.

My grand-daughter from Vancouver has just become engaged to a nice young man and they came last evening to have dinner and stay overnight with Brenda and Rex. Brenda ordered Chinese food and we had a catch-up time with family too. Brenda came to get me and then take me home after dinner.
It was so nice to be included in the romantic time with young people and listen to them talk about the plans for the future in bright hopes.

Today I went to put the garbage out and stayed to walk in the sunshine around the building. If I don't get more active soon I'll drift into a blimp watching TV - well not so much TV but reading till my eyes get strained.
Just finished Sonja Tolstoy's biography. What an upheaval that was. Tolstoy founded the stupidest cult in the world! Said we shouldn't own material things yet lived in luxury. Said sex was criminal and we should live without it. Hello? What would happen to the world then silly man.
He sure must have had charisma because he got millions following his teaching.
She was a bit mad as well - staying with him in spite of his bad treatment of her.

signed I'd rather be sane than famous - Doris

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