Wednesday, April 2, 2014

One hour with my doctor

I asked the doctor what's this about spending all this time on me and he said the government wants to keep a record of what happens every year with my health.
Right away I learned I've lost another half an inch. I used to be 5 feet 4 inches.
Last year I was down to                                                                5 feet 1 inch
This year it's                                                                                  5 feet 1/2 inches
And you know where it's all gone to - yes round my middle.
All this was recorded by an office staff person and during the process was involved with conversing personal accounts with a doctor while taking my blood pressure and of course the machine didn't register ! The world needs DISCIPLINE.

Circulation in my legs is poor. Blood pressure always high in the doc's office - perfect at home.
Kidneys are losing 'filtration' but not enough for dialysis.
I see a specialist about that tomorrow.

I asked him for a disability parking ticket and he gave me one to fill and send in.

So many cars parked in every spot around the hospital/clinic/and Pleasantview. Someone said the residents that were sent to Ebernezer home in Abbotsford three years ago returned today to go into the new building - 75 people and their families so guess that was why.

When I arrived at Pleasantview there was no care-aid or staff in sight. I found someone who said as if it was quite normal - "I suppose they're all having their dinner." meanwhile this lady I know who has dementia had unlocked the half-door of the desk and was in the office area which also has the nurse's stuff !!! Maybe they don't care now they will be moving.

I asked to see Willy's nurse and she was helpful. Said they turn Willy every two hours. Have given him a machine to blow air in the mattress to make him more comfortable. He doesn't seem in pain and they will call me if there is any drastic change.
They must change the sheets a lot because he's always very clean and looks peaceful.
I talked to him but not loud enough to wake him. There was no rattle in his chest today.

And so we go on..... signed going easy Doris

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