Monday, April 28, 2014

Lunching out

I haven't seen my friend for ages and she asked to take me out for lunch today.
She used to drive me to the good movies we have here in Mission run by a group of women who select titles which will get us "thinking".

We went to the restaurant in our superb Heritage Park. The soup was pureed vegetables which I loved.
We walked to where they have started to construct an Observatory which will inspire youngsters to become scientists I'm sure.
The tulips were out after cool weather and looked gorgeous.

We drove to our downtown and stopped in to the new "antique" place and talked to the Dickens character who runs it. We went into the rock shop which is stunning with wonderful rocks. I went to buy for Brenda a tiny desert stone which is cream coloured and has strings of white wound around it as if it was a woolen ball and the card said it would bring you peace. When I went to pay for it they told me to just put it in my pocket and good luck!

We called into Mady's new shop selling high quality wool and it looks great. Back-tracking we went into English Tarts and has tea and cake and our ad. for the show in June/July is in the magazine.

The sun was out and we got caught up with our lost lives of the past months and it was good.

When I arrived home the forms for the bank were there so I signed them with a witness and hopped in the car to expedite the return of them in the mail and hopefully this crazy "freezing" of accounts will be over and we can get affairs settled with Willy's accounts.

I promptly had a nap to recover from eating the cake and now it's time for bed.
signed getting it together - Doris

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