Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Today was a visit to the denturist who was kind but wordy. I prefer people to "Get on with it" but he said he wouldn't charge me for the consultation and his repeated attempts to clean my food clogged dentures which would really have cost $60.00.
I think it was because I told him we couldn't afford for me to keep going to the dentist and had all top teeth removed when I was forty or so. Also he was impressed by seeing on the filled-in form, I was going to be ninety shortly. Well that was the first session and the whole re-lining will cost $900.00.
By the way, he told said they have been told that Pleasantview is to be renovated for use for mental patients and that's a good thing - they will be happy there.

I was early and sat for a while with the windows down in the car because the sun was warm and it was a good place to just think about things. I can't believe how my thinking flits from one thing to the other when I want my brain to study a situation. Never mind - it felt good.

I got a reply letter to the one the funeral home had sent to notify Government people of Willy's demise. So caring - can you believe it? Saying they were sorry but not to worry about the payments for Health, they have adjusted it to just a single account and made the necessary arrangements. However at the moment I'm not sure what account they will deduct it from.
I have Willy's one dollar clock on my computer table and it ticks away nicely.

The power washers haven't come yet to do balconies and windows and we have to keep the windows closed so hope they hurry up as it's supposed to get hot.
signed laid back Doris

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