Thursday, March 20, 2014

ufo s

I believe in UFOs.
My scientific son believes in UFOs too and I get these attachments of videos from him about the many other people who believe in UFOs.
One day authorities are going to close down my computer because of these attachments of UFOs because they don't like people believing in UFOs.

My former husband was Public Relations officer for the forces for Saskatchewan and Manitoba. He was Public relations officer for other places but this occurred in Manitoba.
There was a report of a crash landing of one way up north and he had to inspect the area. He never talked about it but it got in the papers. The circle where it had landed was burnt to a crisp and there was electrical interference like in true crop circles. The people who witnessed it coming down were precise in what they'd seen but it was dismissed as a hoax.
Also when we were in North Bay, two members of the air force were skating on an ice-rink not too far from our house on New Years Eve and were laughed at because it was New Years Eve but they had witnessed a UFO close by. Everyone who heard about it said they must have been drunk.

My friend who follows Crop Circle occurrences and I had an art show together called "Beyond the known" It was wonderful as we told of strange things that had happened to us - he in glass objects and me in paintings.

Willy was very uncomfortable in his wheelchair, leaning a lot over the side. I could make out that he wanted some pants on. He'd had a bath and they couldn't get his clothes on him as he can't stand so they just put a blanket on his knees.
I called the care-aid and wasn't too happy about her telling me I'd have to see about getting proper clothes with a slit up the back of them and pay for them. Nobody has mentioned anything about this procedure. They will phone me tomorrow with more information.
He was agitated because of it and he desperately wanted to tell me something but I couldn't make out what it was because his voice won't work.

I left to come home and felt drained of energy.
signed feeling his frustration - Doris

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