Tuesday, March 18, 2014


It's late - 11.45 p.m. and I've let time slip by. And I'm tired

Joy and little Cara (great granddaughter 6 years old) came to visit. Joy wanted to know what we could do for fun and I had absolutely no idea what would be fun in this modern age for two young persons.
Cara showed me a cat on Joy's phone. It's an interacting cat and it repeats everything you say to it. What made me laugh uncontrollably was when the same words come out of the cat's mouth it sounds hilarious. You can rub its stomach and it purrs and if you push hard on it - it says "No,no" and falls over.  So I laughed which made Joy and Cara laugh too so we had some kind of fun.

We went over to Heritage park but I wasn't dressed warm enough and felt really chilled. Cara enjoyed it though but wanted to go on swings which were not in evidence. We went into the café and I had hot coffee and a scone. Cara had a slice of apple pie and ice cream. I got warm in a hurry.
The scones are made so large now that when I came home I couldn't eat any dinner as I was full.

We went to see Willy and he was lying in bed but looked comfortable - I think he's getting a sedative because he seems sleepy a lot. He sent me a kiss by remote as he calls it. Joy waved goodbye to him and we saw the covers move up and down where his hand was.

I read my revised talk to Joy and she approved it - even Cara approved it!!! So that's good.
signed nightie night, tired Doris

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