Thursday, February 27, 2014


When I went into Pleasantview this afternoon, Willy was watching/listening to a young woman who I had come across before.  I had asked her if she'd be interested to come to Carrington House to entertain the residents. Her reply was curt and annoyed. "I am not an entertainer," she said and went on to say she was a Voice Therapist.
Not being acquainted with what a Voice therapist is/does, I just asked if she had a business card which of course I have mislaid/lost.
She had about twenty residents in a circle and during her singing of many folk and easy to take songs, she maneuvered her chair on wheels towards each one of those twenty people and spoke to them by name! She asked them what friendship meant and did they have a word for it. She had simple songs in that theme where they, even in their distressed state could come in to repeat key words. They tapped toes to the rhym. She gave some a basic instrument - drum, castanet or rattle and they kept to the tune.

She had a rich pure voice and played the guitar softly, softly, keeping the people interested and quiet. So I'm going to ask if she'll come here some time.

The handle of my purse came apart again and as I was trying to fix it I heard Willy say, "Can I help you?" and he took the whole time trying to figure out the puzzle just as he did in the old days even though now he didn't understand why the zippers weren't connected to the strap.
Another thing was, I caught him looking at me like he used to when he loved me.
So it was a good visit.

I'm going to write a letter to authorities about this lady Sharon (manager at Pleasantview)and how they have to offer her a place in the new building because she's one in a million and how can they discard her when everyone loves her and she makes the place work so well? The world and Unions surely can`t be that hard that they can`t compromise on this matter.

Willy moves there on the 13th April.   signed letter-writing Doris

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