Monday, February 24, 2014

Another day of - you guessed it

Another day of the white stuff and I'm fretting at not seeing Willy. If he'd only agree to have a phone at least we'd say "Hello - how are you?"
He never liked phones. I don't know what he did before he used the one I paid for. He got one when he bought his first apartment and he must have had one when he worked on the mainland. But you never know about him.
I had to make the phone calls to his stock broker for him because they couldn't understand him with his accent and he couldn't hear them. Came the time when they wouldn't accept me speaking for him so I had to write a letter for special permission to act as a go-between. All that time he thought he didn't have to pay administration charges (about 15,000.00 a year) because it was never on the statements (Government doesn't require it) and he thought he was administering it because it was us making the phone calls.
His work friend from year one (Danish) would phone on his birthday and at Christmas and the friend would say "Happy Christmas" and Willy would hand me the phone! He'd say the friend only wanted to talk to me anyway.
The performance to phone his brother or his niece in Sweden had to be early morning and I had to do the dialing. They'd talk for five minutes and when they were finished I'd ask what was new and he'd say "Nothing." He'd figure out the number of minutes used and leave the cash money up to the penny on the table for me.

Paul was phoning last night and said suddenly "Oh my God!"
"What is it? What is it?" I asked ready for anything.
"Ella (his nine year old daughter)has just come through the door dressed up in her mother's wedding dress and veil." he said.
 Guess he didn't realize she'd grown up so quickly.
He too was waiting to see if the snow was sticking because he volunteers to snow plow the driveways of an assisted living place and a church - so he can't go to sleep until he knows stick or not stick !

Joy just called to say she went to visit Dario in Nanaimo for the weekend. He's got a pipe-fitting big job and can't get on with it because they have to shovel the snow instead. They were so glad to see each other it was like a honeymoon.

I went to slice up the Olivia Chow book to take to lunch (to read not to eat) and glanced at the beginning. I nearly missed going to lunch because this lady is a natural and her writing flows so well. I'm going to end up loving this woman for the way she writes. "Honesty" comes to mind and as that is the term used to describe both my writing and painting - her work clicks with me immediately.

But I must finish the book on Henrietta Lacks for my evening reading.
signed Disciplined Doris.

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