Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Another phase of my life

My friend came to take my acrylic paints. You can see I meant what I said about giving up painting in the larger format. If I don't have the paints I can't relent.
I'll have more space in "The closet" referring to the room sized closet off the studio which is getting clogged with all manner of things.  A lot of it to do with Willy's affairs.
Painting occupies a lot of room and another thing is that the manner in which I paint is to stand by the table, lean over the paper and paint. My back complains with the leaning and recently I can only keep going for five minutes before I just can't continue. So I have to look after myself.
I will do small work but not make a commitment with it. I don't take today lightly. 3rd February 2014 she lay down the tools of her art and deeply felt the loss.

A phone call woke me at 8 a.m. from Pleasantview. Willy had fallen out of bed for the tenth time and they will put bars on the sides of his bed at night.
It's hard to know what he's attempting to do. The other day it was obvious he wanted to leave his wheelchair and go to lay down on his bed to sleep and that made sense. Today he obviously wanted to get out of his bed but to do what I'd like to know. He can't stand up and if he wants something he can ring his bell which is always close to him.
I know he's going to lead the staff a merry time if he's contained behind bars. Willy has to be free of constraints.

I watched the Carrington crew play Pool against the Cedar Brook Chateau fellows and it was heart-warming to see the contest heating up and they enjoyed it very much. Some have Parkinson's disease and the cues shake in their hands but they manage to pot the balls well.
I started to play when I first came here. They had a Ladies day and served wine but I stood waiting for my opponent to partake of her wine and make conversation on the side-lines before she'd re-join the game every time. The ladies wouldn't play with me because "I took it too seriously" and it petered out.
I had a coach. He was patient and we enjoyed our games but one day he woke up and didn't know where he was.
Then my son visited and played a game with me. Actually I hardly played because he PLAYED BY PHYSICS and the ball did everything like there was mental telepathy!
How could I compete with that?
My son-in-w has a high class pool table, expensive cues and opalescent balls ( Pool balls) and he played a game with me with such speed and power and so well, I gave up.

Signed - Saying farewell to what has been my love since I was a small child - Doris - nearly 90.

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