Friday, February 21, 2014


They must have heard me complain about the Canadians always coming in fourth in the later Olympics because now they've shown their spirit and are gathering the medals.
I loved the women's hockey game and the men's too.
I met Rex (Brenda's husband) in the Medical Lab today and he said he'd stayed up all night to watch everything.

Yes I did the blood test and guess I'll hear from the doc. on Monday. I'm having digestive problems too. Reminds me of my former husband's ulcers and all the milk and cream stuff he was prescribed. He had to have a separate diet to the children and me. Now we hear it couldn't be cured that way after all because it's a virus.
When I go to the doc. I'll ask him for a form to get a disabled parking ticket. Two people have said "You silly Billy - you're going to use it to visit your husband who will be a long walk away from the new building aren't you? So you need it, right?" So I don't have to lie to get one.

Norman sent attachments about the University of Chicago's museum with Persia and older countries and their artifacts. One day I'm going to get a biography of Lord Elgin and how he managed to get the Elgin Marbles over to Britain - it's quite a story and now it is politely requested for them to be returned to Greece. Maybe they've already done it but Britain has certainly made duplicates of the best ones.

I finished the Dowager Empress book - would like to keep it but I can't because I haven't the room but tomorrow I'll send it (cut in slices) to my daughter Laura, the English teacher in Rainy River Ontario.

Signed getting a ticket Doris

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