Friday, May 23, 2014

Walking the hospital halls

I go for a walk with the rehab lady every day and it has proven to be kind of interesting as I visit two ladies I know and they are happy to have a diversion.
I have to pass a wider area in the corridor where they accumulate the mostly dementia people but it's discouraging to witness such tradgedy. But I guess it's a change for them to see different people.

I've finished Peter Ustinov's autobiography. What a tour-de-force! There's so much to think about with his stories in cutting humour both in his childhood and his marriages.
What is marriage anyway? I mean for a woman? Are we working towards having women being their own entities? Well that might mean having only one child or none.
Fathers and sons have such a hard time getting sorted out. Ah well- I'll leave that for a while and pick it up later.

Staff has just moved my flowers closer to the door. Should look up on Wickepedia about flowers in hospital giving out carbon monoxide,
Marianne came with some lovely ones and just huffed when I told her she has to put them outside and promptly put them on the window sill !!

My platelets came at midnight and finished about 2 a.m. intravenously. I must say I feel quite good now.
Brenda came with all manner of things I had on a list. I keep remembering things like my bottom teeth and special cream for my legs and arms which resemble Rhinocerous hide.
She loaned me a small book about a snail and I am learning quite a bit from it.
Amazing how much there's left to learn about life.

Staff person said "Your children are lucky they have a mother who does a blog"!
Dear ones - I'll say goodnight.
signed Platelet full- Doris

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