Thursday, May 29, 2014


So much to talk about today, I know I won't get it all in. 

I can't look at those awkward gloucometers the nurses have to use. The nurse here says she doesn't mind them but compared to mine, these things are over heavy and hard to 'punch' in the code etc. Every nurse downstairs dreaded using the thing. One didn't have the strength to do it, meanwhile the time ran out and they had to get more strips and my meals waited for the result before I could eat and then they were cold.
I was told these are entirely new this year and they had to take a course on how to use them. It is high tech and first they code the strips with the machine because results go directly to the lab to enable research to find out how diabetics are doing.
I don't care what they say and as I said, "If they know how to go to the moon they can invent something less clumsy.

Barbara phoned to say the ninety-three year old lady who was meeting on the phone with the three top specialists in my disease asked many questions about it.
Their answer was to the point. "There's nothing to be done. When the platelets have not survived you go to Hospice. Period."
It was good to talk to Barbara anyway and she's coming 12th June.

Dr. Quon came to talk to me and I liked her attitude.
"You have only so much energy in your body. It's up to you how you expend it. This morning you walked to the bathroom and it took ten minutes of hard breathing to calm down.
You are using energy when we are here to help you NOT to do that. When you need to go to the bathroom, ring the famous red button and we will put you on the commode.
You must forget your independent ways and learn to relie on us.
It's up to you."
So I said "Yes Ma am! and I will try to learn." and I will do it to extend my days as much as I can.
I'm to forget having sugar tests and cut my insulin in half to 13 units.

Last night dear Shirley Dawson came with lovely flowers and is upset she can't get my Blog. Can someone help Bob or Shirley please because Shirley's life work is keeping everyone in touch with their friends and family and she's missing out.

Mark came for the purpose of making sure everything is tickety-boo and I'm being cared for properly which he could see it is so.
Joy came unexpected and listened to the doctor and the hope I can live a bit longer than we initially thought.

Marianne brought me a Rose Quartz in the shape of a heart - I'll hold its energy to my chest.

Faithful Barbara F. came with news of goings-on in town.

And now my energy is flagging - must say goodnight and so much love over the air-waves.
signed hoping for more days than previous - Doris.

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