Saturday, May 31, 2014

Replying to "How are you?"

I'm finding it is me who has to console others rather than the other way around when they come to see me.
They say - "How are you?"
What can I say - "I'm dying'?
"I'm getting weaker."
So I say - "Don't worry. I'm not sad."
How can I be sad?
I've lived ninety years and its been an interesting procedure.
First acting on the stage. Coming to this great country Canada. Having ten children.
Having the privilege of painting, then discovering writing and the making of books.
Finding Willy and sharing his wit with the world.
Seeing my children grow into powerful people who want to make the world a better place - whether it likes that or not!
Having friends who can break your heart with their caring and devotion.

Having seen so much of the beauty of this planet in different countries.

Having known myself and told other women, we can come to that insurmountable desolation and although we find it impossible to believe, we CAN and WILL rise up - blossom in a way which stuns us and surpass all expectations to accomplish undreamed of events!

Hospice assures me I will die without pain and every day here is full of loving care, so I'm not sad I am Grateful.

Joy came with her boys Cody and Chris. Cody persuaded me to go out to the balcony in a wheelchair which has lovely flowers and knew how to care for this little old lady.
Joan B. came and did a wonderful thing, phoning my brother John in Australia for me and he was on the speaker phone to tell me all his news. He will get a computer and lessons so he can be in touch with me. Hooray!
Steve  came with a Florist shop full of flowers and told about his new job.

My son Ted blew in from Winnipeg last night and is staying with Brenda.
Brenda,Jason (grandson) and Ted came and listened to the Australia phone call too. Big day for Jason because he got his driver's license.

I am as of now, off of insulin. Any poke of needle brings a flow of blood. The doctor was right.
I'm pushing the red button regularly and sticking to the commode. I've been given another day......
Signed grateful Doris.

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