Friday, May 9, 2014

A day of doing things

My daughter came in the morning, ready for anything and bringing from Dario lovely salmon with rhubarb sauce for my dinner.

Hallelujah ! We now have more channels by Shaw on television which helps my evening entertainment a lot. It takes so much time to get re-registered or set up a new account. I complain about the younger generation sometimes but they have EXTRAORDINARY patience waiting "on hold" and pressing this or that number. But that is what went on until she got everything in order whereas I would have given up.

We went to Prospera Credit union to get accounts cleared or fixed in other categories and Linda arrived to spend a lot of time and attention with us to explain about bank mysteries on the occasion of death. Once again I'm grateful to live in Mission where people like her exist and technology takes a back seat so there is a somewhat human face on money matters.

Then on to see the bank to find out if the freezing of accounts is unfrozen. Some of it is and so all looks encouraging now. We need patience with that as well.

The extensions in my waistbands are still not enough to ease the pain in the kidneys so we called in the dress shop and I got two dresses that flare out around the middle. As I will not be going to the dining room other than Mother's day, I can wear them in the apartment and feel free and easy. (They look kind of cute!!)

Had lovely flowers from Paul and Patrick and phone calls which are like precious gems to me.

Today I was supposed to read from my book to the residents but Laura took it on so they will not be disappointed. She wrote me such beautiful words on her card making me feel as if I have mattered.
signed She who mattered - Doris

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