Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Government forms

Brenda came to take me to fill out the required Government forms after Willy's death.
We don't have an original will so they may not go through - however, we'll deal with it later.
The staff were very kind and each one prefaced the talk with "We are sorry about that." meaning the death.
We went for lunch at a Thai restaurant and had a yummy rice/ginger soup. It was in a mall which is like going to another country because the awnings and other writing is East Indian. There was a Vegetarian bakery which we found out all cakes and cookies were made without eggs!!!
The owner then gave us a lecture about how he shouldn't be baking things that have a lot of sugar and he was helping the country go to pot because he now knew how many people were eating too much sugar and he was just encouraging it all and what was he going to do if he didn't bake vegetarian goodies.....
I bought six carrot muffins and yes - they were swimming in sugar. So that was that.

We looked for a lounge chair for my balcony but they don't make the web style anymore and none of the others appeal to me.
signed - signing Doris

Everything in Sears was on for 25% off.

It was nice to spend the time with Brenda but I can feel my shopping days won't be as energetic as they were.

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