Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Well here I am - Dr.Patel speeded up the process after looking at my record and called Paul the liaison man for hospice who trundled down in his efficient, cheerful way flapping forms around and saying there's one bed available and he'd get things going right away.
Joy came and packed everything - it looked as if I had collected more stuff here than at my apartment.
Staff appeared with wheelchair and other staff and Joy took up the rear with my packed walker and looking like a camel procession in the dessert, we upped on the elevator to hospice.

Of course everything is lovely. Joy even brought the flowers and put them in my room (#310) with no criticism from anyone, It is spacious and has a chesterfield  as well as a bed, a fridge, T.V., cupboards, people-pleasing phone with on and off instead of a red button that means "start".
stereo, clock and reading lamps.
I was put in bed and with my pillow and blankie - felt comfortable to the extreme. As I said it was a first class Purgatory.

Michelle is on staff and begged me to remember her with women dancing and I couldn't until I found out it was at our Summer Solstice at Connie's place - so we had a lot to talk about,.
 Wendy cancelled T.V. and told me such meaningful words

Joy e-mailed some of the family that my situation had changed as I dictated the words. She had to go and Brenda came.

Brenda filled out the required forms here asking such things as "Tell us your life" - are they kidding??? and set out to do the many chores which are cropping up in regard to me being here.

Mady before I forget because I can't always find my e-mail position - Knowledge network had a video on Lilian Broca ( I think). She is an artist who works in Mosaic.
I met her and saw her solo show in Richmond years ago. She portrayed Goddesses. She has discovered a better way of working with mosaic which is more brilliant than she used before.
It's beautiful work although the theme is like old-time ancient work.

Barbara came to see my new "digs".
Heleen came with such good news on Jos. Hooray!

Dinner is served hot - had a hot soup and lady said why not have more. I told her I might not eat the rest of my supper which she poo-pooed and scooped me another bowl-full - delicious.

I have just heard that Mark is coming.

Having received so much love today I'm sending it back to all who care - thank you.
signed Whomped Doris

1 comment:

  1. Hi Doris,
    We have been following your blog, we are both thinking of you and wish you strength and peace.
    Michael and Mary
